About Board Members

ANTOR Board Sweden is governed by its Statutes which require unanimous votes of the members when deciding on specific topics. Membership in ANTOR Sweden is open to national and regional offices of tourism promotion, embassies and national agencies who represent their countries.
The Board is composed of a chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer, PR, and secretary. During the Annual General Assembly in December, the members elect the board members.

The currenten members of the ANTOR Board for 2023:

Helene Hofverberg

Helene Hofverberg

Helene is the Nordic Communications Manager for VisitBritain and has been on the board of Antor since 2014. She is currently the co-Chairman of Antor. Helene has worked within the tourism industry and destination marketing for more than 20 years.

Göran Nilervall

Göran Nilervall
Co-Chairman & Treasurer

Göran is the Director and Marketing Manager for the Israel Ministry of Tourism in the Nordic Countries. He joined the ANTOR Board in 2017. He is the co-Chairman and the financial watchdog, ensuring the protection of the organization’s funds, planning and keeping track of budgets within the organization, collecting, depositing, and keeping track of funds and providing financial reports.

Pamela Pizarro

Pamela Pizarro
PR & Events

Pamela works with destination PR, marketing and sales in the Nordic countries. She joined ANTOR in 2018 representing the British Virgin Islands. Started as a board member in 2022 as a Vice Chairman and IT coordinator. Pamela has more than 20 years of experience in tourism.

David Ruiz Coronado

David Ruiz Coronado

David has worked for 7 years at the Embassy of Mexico in Sweden as part of the local staff. Among others, he has worked during this time on issues of tourism promotion with the purpose to strengthen the image of Mexico as a tourist destination. He joined the ANTOR Board in December 2019. This Embassy previously served as Secretary of the Board between 2010 and 2015 and has been a member of ANTOR for 20 years.